Bundesverband Beteiligungskapital
German Private Equity and Venture Capital Association e.V. (BVK)
Residenz am Deutschen Theater
Reinhardtstraße 29b
10117 Berlin
Tel.: +49 (0) 30 30 69 82 - 0
Fax: +49 (0) 30 30 69 82 - 20
Management Board Spokesman: Frank Hüther
Register court: Berlin Register of Associations, Charlottenburg District Court
Register number: 9378 NZ
Responsible for content in accordance with Section 55(2) of the German Interstate Treaty on Broadcasting (Rundfunkstaatsvertrag): Ulrike Hinrichs, Executive Board Member (address as above)
Legal notice:
We expressly state that we have no influence whatsoever over the design and content of linked websites. We therefore hereby expressly distance ourselves from all content on all websites linked on our website, including all subpages. This statement applies to all links provided on our website and to all content on the websites to which links or banners lead.
Photo Credit:
BVK Images:
Unless otherwise stated, all photos used here were created for BVK.
Adobe Stock:
#161469882 - Drobot Dean
#268788365 - ipopba
#56909288 - motorradcbr
#345672551 - Robert Kneschke
#55844087 - contrastwerkstatt
Design and technical implementation:
vicon Web Business Development | Internetagentur Lübeck | Phone: +49 (0) 451-160 846 80